PRIMUSFORM NAME 2. Learning plan DB 21 LANG 3 TYPE 3 TAB DEFINITION Condition K10^K20="Learning plan" Check "'Document type' is required information in Primus' 'Document types' register.",K10^K20="" Section BASIC INFORMATION Data "Group supervisor:"&K2^K8^K4^K2&K2^K8^K4^K5&", Phone number: "&K2^K8^K4^K10 LF Style B Field K2,S60,"N:Pupil" LF WriteIf X LinkFormat K2&K3 RequiredField Field K22,S20 LinkFormat K100 DefaultValue K2^K15^K100 Field K7,S20 Data "Date of birth: "&K2^V17 LF Style B Text Guardians: LF Style B Data K2^K92[1]&K2^K90[1]&K2^K91[1]&"Street address: "&K2^K93[1]&K2^K94[1]&", Phone number: "&K2^K96[1] LF Data K2^K92[2]&K2^K90[2]&K2^K91[2]&", Street address"&K2^K93[2]&K2^K94[2]&", Phone number: "&K2^K96[2] LF Section The intensified support has been handled in the student welfare group Field K307,S70,L2,"N:Date of preparation, comments" LF Field K600,S50 LinkFormat L2 Field K24,S30,"N:Starting date of the learning plan" LF Field K26,S30,"N:Ending date of the learning plan" Section DOCUMENT Field K10,S30 LF WriteIf X LinkFormat K20 RequiredField DefaultValue "Learning plan" DefaultMode 1 Field K11,S30 Field K12,S30 RequiredField DefaultValue V2 DefaultMode 1 Field K30,S20 RequiredField Field K97,S20 Field K17,S60,"N:Teachers responsible for preparation" LF LinkFormat K2&K3&"Tel:"&K10 RequiredField Field K67,S30 Field K68,S30 Field K18,S60 LF LinkFormat K2&K5&K10 Field K13,S60,L2 LF Section PREPARATION OF A LEARNING PLAN Field K42,S110,L3 LF CopyMode 11 Field K35,S110,L2 LF CopyMode 11 Field K43,S110,L4,"N:Aims of the pupil's learning and schooling" LF CopyMode 11 Field K110,S20 LF LinkFormat L2&K5 Field K112,S20,L4 Field K115,S20,L4 Field K114,S20,L4 Field K120,S40,L3 Field K45,S110,L2,"N:Support planned for pupil" LF CopyMode 11 Field K602,S110 LF LinkFormat L2 CopyMode 11 Field K57,S110,L3 LF CopyMode 11 Field K96,S110,L3,"N:Cooperation with the pupil and guardians, support provided by the pupil’s home" LF CopyMode 11 Field K65,S110,L3 LF CopyMode 11 Field K300,S110,L4,"N:Evaluation and monitoring of progress" LF CopyMode 11 Section GUARDIANS' AND PUPIL'S HEARING Field K95,S110,L2 LF Field K85,S110,L2 LF Section THE FOLLOWING PEDAGOGICAL DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN USED DURING PREPARATION Field K410,S30 LF CopyMode 11 Field K412,S30 CopyMode 11 Field K414,S30 CopyMode 11 Section REVISION OF THE LEARNING PLAN Field K305,S40 Field K310,S20 LF Field K312,S40,L4 Field K314,S20 Field K316,S30,L4 Field K318,S40,L4